How to Positively Increase Salaries in 3 Decisions

How to Positively Increase Salaries in 3 Decisions 1

On August 26, 2022, Thailand’s National Wage Committee raised the minimum wage in Bangkok to 353.- Baht per day — an increase of approximately 5%. Biz Owners will need to decide what to do for other staff levels

Hiring the Right Candidate

Staffing Solutions

An unsuccessful employee is a cost to the hiring company and to the recruiter who did introduce the candidate. And above all, it is a frustrating experience for the person in question.

Why bother to send your resume to an employment agency?

Why bother to send your resume to an employment agency? 2

Will a recruiter ever act as your agent who will help you find your next job?

The short answer is: NO. 

An employment agency is paid a fee by the hiring company; to applicants, service is completely free of charge.
Finding a new job remains the responsibility of the candidate. Recruiters however will be highly interested in you when they have an assignment from a company to fill an open position.
Therefore, it pays to send it your CV to an employment agency. They will always search in their database.