BMS Recruitment News, Blogs, and Insights

Staffing Solutions

Hiring the Right Candidate

An unsuccessful employee is a cost to the hiring company and to the recruiter who did introduce the candidate. And above all, it is a frustrating experience for the person in question.

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Keeping successful employees with the company has everything to do with perceived internal and external fairness.
Fairness as perceived by the employee. As employer you can manage this perception and mitigate the risk of losing your best contributors.

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Employee-Centric Compensation 

Companies should maximize the impact of their dollars spent by making their compensation delivery more attractive to their employees. A proven way of doing this is a Cafeteria Plan. You will keep your salary cost in check and will generate intrinsic motivation towards your company and job by recognizing your staff’s need for autonomy.

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BMS Legal & Management Blog 4

Why bother to send your resume to an employment agency?

Will a recruiter ever act as your agent who will help you find your next job?

The short answer is: NO. 

An employment agency is paid a fee by the hiring company; to applicants, service is completely free of charge.
Finding a new job remains the responsibility of the candidate. Recruiters however will be highly interested in you when they have an assignment from a company to fill an open position.
Therefore, it pays to send it your CV to an employment agency. They will always search in their database.

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