Hiring the Right Candidate
An unsuccessful employee is a cost to the hiring company and to the recruiter who did introduce the candidate. And above all, it is a frustrating experience for the person in question.
Employer Branding
In a recent JobsDB survey on what motivates candidates to accept a new job (*), the attraction of money and job security were clustered together with career and development opportunities as communicated by the company and perceived as credible by the candidate.
5 Effective Ways to Attract Lawyers
The first step in recruitment and to attract lawyers is to find and to identify the people that are ‘right’ for your company’s needs – today and in the future.
6 Tips for recruiting from law schools?
Recruiting from law schools is a tough process because it includes fresher kids who are just stepping into the market. In today’s labor market, there is a lot of pressure on law firms to become more advances and proactive in their recruitment process to capture the best talent.
How to make the most of the interview process
When assessing candidates, we believe we are making objective evaluations throughout the entire selection process, including during the interview.